Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jay Servidio founder Teleteria discusses Internet Growth

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Choosing an Inverter for Off-grid Pv Systems

Choosing an Inverter for Off-grid Pv Systems

The inverter is one of the most important and most complex components in an independent energy system. To choose an inverter you should know some basic functions, capabilities, and limitations.

All types of off-grid PV electric energy systems share a common bond which is the storage battery, the storage battery absorbs and releases energy in the form of direct current (DC) electricity

In contrast, the national grid supplies alternating current (AC) electricity. AC is the standard form of electricity for anything that "plugs in" to mains power. DC flows in a single direction. AC alternates its direction many times per second. AC is used for grid service because it is more practical for long distance transmission.

An inverter converts DC to AC, and also changes the voltage. In other words, it is a power adapter. It allows a battery-based system to run conventional appliances through conventional wiring. There are appliances able to use DC directly but for the majority of modern appliances you will need an inverter.

There is another type of inverter that we are not concerned with in this article called a grid-interactive inverter. These are used to feed solar (or other renewable) energy into a grid-connected home and to feed excess energy back into the national grid.

Not a simple device

Outwardly, an inverter looks like a box with one or two switches on it, but inside there is a small universe of dynamic activity. A modern inverter must cope with a wide range of loads, from a single night light to the big surge required to start a well pump, a power tool or heavy machinery. The battery voltage of a solar or wind system can vary as much as 35 percent (with varying state of charge and activity).

Through all of this, it is the inverter's job to regulate the quality of its output within narrow constraints, with a minimum of power loss.

Define your needs

To choose an inverter, you should first define your needs. Then you need to learn about the inverters that are available. Inverter manufacturers print everything you need to know on their specification sheets. Here is a list of the factors that you should consider.

Operating Environment

Where is the inverter to be used? Inverters are available for use in buildings, for recreational vehicles, boats, and portable applications. Will it be connected to the utility grid in some way? Electrical conventions and safety standards differ for various applications, it's important to check.

Electrical Standards

The DC input voltage must conform to that of the electrical system and battery bank. 12 volts is no longer the dominant standard for home energy systems, 24 and 48 volts are the common standards now. A higher voltage system carries less current, which makes system wiring cheaper and easier.

The inverter's AC output must conform to the conventional power in the region in order to run locally available appliances. The standard for AC mains service in the UK is 230 volts at a frequency of 50 Hertz (cycles per second).

Safety Certification: An inverter should be certified by an independent testing laboratory and be stamped accordingly. This is your assurance that it will be safe, will meet the manufacturer's specifications, and will be approved in an electrical inspection. There are different design and rating standards for various application environments These also vary from one country to another.

Power Capacity

How much load can an inverter handle? Its power output is rated in watts (watts = amps x volts). There are three levels of power rating a continuous rating, a limited-time rating, and a surge rating. Continuous means the amount of power the inverter can handle for an indefinite period of hours. When an inverter is rated at a certain number of watts, that number generally refers to its continuous rating.

The limited-time rating is a higher number of watts that it can handle for a defined period of time, typically 10 or 20 minutes. The inverter specifications should define these ratings in relation to ambient temperature (the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere). When the inverter gets too hot, it will shut off. This will happen more quickly in a hot atmosphere. The third level of power rating, surge capacity, is critical to its ability to start motors, and is discussed below.

Some inverters are designed to be interconnected or expanded in a modular fashion, in order to increase their capacity. The most common scheme is to "stack" two inverters. A cable connects the two inverters to synchronise them so they perform as one unit.

Power Quality - SINE Wave vs. Modified SINE Wave"

Some inverters produce "cleaner" power than others. Simply stated, "sine wave" is clean; anything else is dirty. A sine wave has a naturally smooth geometry, like the track of a swinging pendulum. It is the ideal form of AC power. The utility grid produces sine wave power in its generators and normally delivers it to the customer relatively free of distortion. A sine wave inverter can deliver cleaner, more stable power than most grid connections.

How clean is a "sine wave"? The manufacturer may use the terms "pure" or "true" to imply a low degree of distortion. The facts are included in the inverter's specifications. Total harmonic distortion (THD) lower than 6 percent should satisfy normal home requirements. Look for less than 3 percent if you have unusually critical or sensitive electronics, as in a recording studio.

Other specs are important too. RMS voltage regulation keeps your lights steady. It should be plus or minus 5 percent or less. Peak voltage (Vp) regulation needs to be plus or minus 10 percent or less.

A "modified sine wave" inverter is less expensive, but it produces a distorted square waveform that resembles the track of a pendulum being slammed back and forth by hammers. In truth, it isn't a sine wave at all. The misleading term "modified sine wave" was invented by advertising people. Engineers prefer to call it "modified square wave."

The "modified sine wave" has detrimental effects on many electrical loads. It reduces the energy efficiency of motors and transformers by 10 to 20 percent. The wasted energy causes abnormal heat which reduces the reliability and longevity of motors and transformers and other devices, including some appliances and computers. The choppy waveform confuses some digital timing devices.

About 5 percent of household appliances simply won't work on modified sine wave power at all. A buzz will be heard from the speakers of nearly every audio device. An annoying buzz will also be emitted by some fluorescent lights, ceiling fans, and transformers. Some microwave ovens buzz or produce less heat. TVs and computers often show rolling lines on the screen. Surge protectors may overheat and should not be used.

Modified sine wave inverters were tolerated in the 1980s, but since then, true sine wave inverters have become more efficient and more affordable. Some people compromise by using a modified wave inverter to run their larger power tools or other occasional heavy loads, and a small sine wave inverter to run their smaller, more frequent, and more sensitive loads. Modified wave inverters in renewable energy systems have started fading into history.


It is not possible to convert power without losing some of it (it's like friction). Power is lost in the form of heat. Efficiency is the ratio of power out to power in, expressed as a percentage. If the efficiency is 90 percent, 10 percent of the power is lost in the inverter. The efficiency of an inverter varies with the load. Typically, it will be highest at about two thirds of the inverter's capacity. This is called its "peak efficiency." The inverter requires some power just to run itself, so the efficiency of a large inverter will be low when running very small loads.

In a typical home, there are many hours of the day when the electrical load is very low. Under these conditions, an inverter's efficiency may be around 50 percent or less. The full story is told by a graph of efficiency vs. load, as published by the inverter manufacturer. This is called the "efficiency curve." Read these curves carefully. Some manufacturers cheat by starting the curve at 100 watts or so, not at zero!

Because the efficiency varies with load, don't assume that an inverter with 93 percent peak efficiency is better than one with 85 percent peak efficiency. If the 85 percent efficient unit is more efficient at low power levels, it may waste less energy through the course of a typical day.

Internal Protection

An inverter's sensitive components must be well protected against surges from nearby lightning and static, and from surges that bounce back from motors under overload conditions. It must also be protected from overloads. Overloads can be caused by a faulty appliance, a wiring fault, or simply too much load running at one time.

An inverter must include several sensing circuits to shut itself off if it cannot properly serve the load. It also needs to shut off if the DC supply voltage is too low, due to a low battery state-of-charge or other weakness in the supply circuit. This protects the batteries from over-discharge damage, as well as protecting the inverter and the loads. These protective measures are all standard on inverters that are certified for use in buildings.

Inductive loads and Surge Capacity

Some loads absorb the AC wave's energy with a time delay (like towing a car with a rubber strap). These are called inductive loads. Motors are the most severely inductive loads. They are found in well pumps, washing machines, refrigerators, power tools, etc. TVs and microwave ovens are also inductive loads. Like motors, they draw a surge of power when they start.

If an inverter cannot efficiently feed an inductive load, it may simply shut down instead of starting the device. If the inverter's surge capacity is marginal, its output voltage will dip during the surge. This can cause a dimming of the lights in the house, and will sometimes crash a computer.

Any weakness in the battery and cabling to the inverter will further limit its ability to start a motor. A battery bank that is undersized, in poor condition, or has corroded connections, can be a weak link in the power chain. The inverter cables and the battery interconnect cables must be big, and I mean REALLY big, perhaps the size of a large thumb! The spike of DC current through these cables is many hundreds of amps at the instant of motor starting. Follow the inverter's instruction manual when sizing the cables, or you'll cheat yourself. Coat battery connections with a protective coating to reduce corrosion.

Idle Power

Idle power is the consumption of the inverter when it is on, but no loads are running. It is "wasted" power, so if you expect the inverter to be on for many hours during which there is very little load (as in most residential situations), you want this to be as low as possible. Typical idle power ranges from 15 watts to 50 watts for a home-size inverter. An inverter's spec sheet may describe the inverter's "idle current" in amps. To get watts, just multiply the amps times the DC voltage of the system.

Low switching frequency vs. High switching frequency

There are two ways to build an inverter. Without diving into theory, I'll simply say that there are differences in weight, cost, surge capacity, idle power, and noise.

A low switching frequency inverter is big and heavy (generally 10 kg per kilowatt and more expensive. It has the high surge capacity (four to eight times the continuous capacity) needed to start large motors. Beware of the acoustical buzz that low switching frequency inverters make. If you install one near a living space, you may be unhappy with the noise.

A high switching frequency inverter is much smaller and lighter (generally about 2.5 kg per kilowatt and also less expensive. It has less surge capacity, typically about two times the continuous capacity. It produces little or no audible noise. The idle power is generally higher. If the inverter is oversized for motor starting, its idle power will be higher yet, and may be prohibitive. Most homes that have a well pump or other motors greater than 1 HP will find a low switching frequency inverter to be more economical.

Both types of inverter have their virtues. Some people "divide and conquer" by splitting their loads and using two inverters. This adds a measure of redundancy. If one ever fails, the other one can serve as backup.

Automatic ON/OFF

Inverter idling can be a substantial load on a small power system. Most inverters made for home power systems have automatic load-sensing. The inverter puts out a brief pulse of power about every second (more or less). When you switch on an AC load, it senses the current draw and turns itself on. Manufacturers have various names for this feature, including "load demand," "sleep mode," "power saver," "autostart," and "standby."

Automatic on/off can make life awkward because a tiny load may not trigger the inverter to turn on or stay on. For example, a washing machine may pause between cycles, with only the timer running. The timer draws less than 10 watts. The inverter's turn-on "threshold" may be 10 or 15 watts. The inverter shuts off and doesn't come back on until it sees an additional load from some other appliance. You may have to leave a light on while running the washer.

Some people can't adapt to such situations. Therefore, inverters with automatic on/off also have an always-on setting. With it, you can run your low-power night lights, your clocks, fax, answering machine and other tiny loads, without losing continuity. In that case, a good system designer will add the inverter's idle power into the load calculation (24 hours a day). The cost of the power system will be higher, but it will meet the expectations of modern living.

Phantom loads and Idling Loads

High tech consumers are stuck with gadgets that draw power whenever they are plugged in. Some of them use power to do nothing at all. An example is a TV with a remote control. Its electric eye system is on day and night, watching for your signal to turn the screen on. Every appliance with an external wall-plug transformer uses power even when the appliance is turned off. These little demons are called "phantom loads" because their power draw is unexpected, unseen, and easily forgotten.

A similar concern is "idling loads." These are devices that must be on all the time in order to function when needed. These include smoke detectors, alarm systems, motion detector lights, fax machines, and answering machines. Central heating systems have a transformer in their thermostat circuit that stays on all the time. Cordless (rechargeable) appliances draw power even after their batteries reach a full charge. If in doubt, feel the device. If it's warm, that indicates wasted energy. How many phantom or idling loads do you have?

There are several ways to cope with phantom and idling loads:

You may be able to avoid them in the appliance choices you make.

You can minimize their use and disconnect them when not needed, using external switches.
You can work around them by modifying certain equipment to shut off completely (central heating thermostat circuits, for example).
You can use some DC appliances.
You can pay the additional cost for a large enough power system to handle the extra loads plus the inverter's idle current.

Be careful and honest if you contemplate avoiding all phantom and idling loads. You cannot always anticipate future needs or human behavior.

Powering a Water Supply Pump

At a remote site, a water well or pressure pump often places the greatest demand on the inverter. It warrants special consideration. Most pumps draw a very high surge of current during startup. The inverter must have sufficient surge capacity to handle it while running any other loads that may be on. It is important to size an inverter sufficiently, especially to handle the starting surge. Oversize it still further if you want it to start the pump without causing lights to dim or blink. It may also be worth considering a DC pump to eliminate the load on the invertor.

Battery Charging Features

Backup battery charging is essential in many off-grid renewable energy systems because there are likely to be occasions when the natural energy supply is insufficient. Some inverters have a built-in battery charger that will recharge the battery bank whenever power is applied from an AC generator or from the grid. As seperate cost effective chargers can be bought seperatly whether this feature will be cost effective will depend on the other requirements of your system.

Quality Pays

A good inverter is an industrial quality device that is proven reliable, certified for safety, and can last for decades. A cheap inverter may soon end up in the junk pile, and can even be a fire hazard. Consider your inverter to be a foundation component. Buy a good one that allows for future expansion of your needs.

In Summary

Define where it is to be used. Define what type of loads (appliances) you will be powering. Determine the maximum power the inverter will need to handle. Is the quality of the power critical? Does size and weight matter? Will there be any changes in what the inverter need to do in the future?

Glen Freeman is a Systems Designer for Pioneer Resource Ltd. We are Specialist Suppliers and Installers of In-Balance Renewable Energy Systems including Solar Electricity (Solar Photovoltaics, Solar Hot Water (Solar Thermal), Wind Turbines, Eco Boilers, Stoves and Fires (Biomass), Natural Insulation and Custom Built Total Energy systems.

Power Outages still blanket the state of Massachusetts and Surrounding areas 2 days after Hurricane Irene Video Rating: 0 / 5

Uhv Grid Quickly Improve The Assimilative Capacity Of The New Energy Consumption

Uhv Grid Quickly Improve The Assimilative Capacity Of The New Energy Consumption

Click to see more exciting information

Recent years, wind power, solar and other clean Energy Rapid growth of wind power installed capacity to double-type continuous growth. Some experts point out that in 2009 the national grid wind power capacity reached 16.13 million kilowatts by 2010 wind power will reach 30 million kilowatts, the next new year may reach 10 million kilowatts installed capacity is about.

However, as wind power company in Gansu Province Wang, director of Nimbus said, our fans in the capacity for 5-year doubling of a hurry, fan blower manufacturer had a chance to innovation performance, peaking of the problems are left to the grid. If the wind is not resolved Motor Contribute to the effective elimination on the generation issues such as wind power development and utilization efficiency and economy will be significantly reduced.

To wind power, for example, if only to consider the elimination on the province's wind power capacity can be developed country by 2020 wind power around the scale of 50 million kilowatts; through special High pressure Cross-regional networking and increase the peaking Power supply Construction, can expand the assimilative capacity of clean energy consumption, increase the national scale wind power development of 50 million kilowatts to 100 million kilowatts.


For clean, renewable energy access difficult problems April 19, China Home Appliances Web publishing company in Beijing, "Green Development White Paper" for the plight of his prescription: The rapid development of UHV power grid upgrade the assimilative capacity of the new energy consumption is expected by 2020, will eliminate 462 million kilowatts of clean energy is satisfied. By then, the wind difficult issues will be resolved online.

In the power industry, especially high voltage is 1000 kV and above AC and DC ± 800 kV and above voltage level. At present, ± 1000 kV to Jingmen Jindongnan UHV line is the world's first commercial operation of Article UHV line, has achieved continuous safe operation of a more than a year, the cumulative delivery to the central China power more than 100 billion kilowatt hours effectively alleviate the power shortages in central China.

Energy Research Institute under the National Grid research results, if only to consider the elimination on the province's wind power capacity can be developed nation by 2020 wind power around the scale of 50 million kilowatts; through special high-pressure cross-networking and processing Big Peak Power supply Construction, consumption can increase the assimilative capacity of clean energy, wind power development of the country can increase the size of 50 million kilowatts to 100 million kilowatts.

Today, more and more the industry has reached a consensus, by a strong grid of UHV construction throughout the country, including within the coal, including clean energy and other resources in the form of various configurations for the realization of our large scale energy base for the development and power efficiency provides a physical platform for sending, will significantly enhance the efficiency of energy utilization.

I am Frbiz Site writer, reports some information about canon pc 980 toner , hp refill kit.

Jay Servidio Wisdom on Online Marketing

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Jay Servidio Founder Teleteria on Marketing for Porn Sites

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Jay Servidio founder Teleteria Discusses the Interent Effects on Social Interaction

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WWE Monday Night RAW Results Jan. 24

WWE Monday Night RAW Results Jan. 24

vent: WWE Monday Night RAW
Airdate: Monday, January 24th, 2011 (USA Network)
Location: The Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, MI.
Results by

"Yes, sir, we promised you a great main event…"

The RAW opening video rolls and HERE WE GO!
Edge vs. Miz in a champion vs. champion match.

Melina challenges for the Divas Title tonight.

Here's Edge to open the show. He says to Miz that he doesn't have a lot of patience and doesn't want to wait. After listing off things he doesn't like to wait for he says let's do it now Miz. An E-Mail cuts him off though and the GM doesn't like Edge still. Thankfully they've gotten what looks like an e-mail on the screen now. We're going to have a mini Rumble right now and whichever of the three can throw Edge over gets #40.

Edge vs. Tyson Kidd/Drew McIntyre/Jack Swagger

They all come and are in at once. Edge takes them all down and eliminates Kidd. Drew kicks him HARD in the head and almost gets him out. Swagger makes the save as he wants the final spot but charges at the champion and goes flying out also. Edge throws Drew out without much effort to win at 1:14. No rating of course and I'm not even going to call it a real match of course.

Edge b. Jack Swagger/Drew McIntyre/Tyson Kidd @ 1:14 - Edge eliminated McIntyre to win

Post match Edge says he's going to get ready for Miz but first of all he wants to relive something that he did the last time he was on Raw. Does anyone want to see a smashed computer? Edge goes out to the computer but Cole stands in his way. Edge is going after him but here's Nexus instead. Five guys this time, including the new guy.

Post match Edge says he's going to get ready for Miz but first of all he wants to relive something that he did the last time he was on Raw. Does anyone want to see a smashed computer? Edge goes out to the computer but Cole stands in his way. Edge is going after him but here's Nexus instead. Five guys this time, including the new guy.

Punk says that in this world only the strong survive and they do that by evolving. He talks about the Rumble being bigger and to survive, the New Nexus had to evolve as well. Punk introduces the new man, and his name is indeed Mason Ryan as we all knew coming in. At least it's official now. Ryan says faith. That's the only thing he says. Everyone is in Nexus because of faith according to Punk.

He talks about Corre (yes I know it's the wrong spelling and I don't care) and how Nexus has more faith than they do. He will win on Sunday and Nexus will become the most powerful group the WWE Universe will ever see. Could that mean a new addition? As he stops talking, cue the Corre (I hate myself at times).

Barrett says he's looking at the poor man's version of Nexus. Jackson says Corre will try to win the Rumble for themselves but will eliminate Punk. Ryan gets in his face and we have an e-mail. The GM makes Barrett vs. Punk. The loser's entire group is out of the Rumble. The guest referee is Cena. King says it's a match you never thought you would see on Raw. Why wouldn't you expect to see that on Raw? Anyway that takes us to our first break.

Back and we get a clip of the mini Rumble from last week with Henry clearing the ring.

John Morrison/Mark Henry vs. Sheamus/Alberto Del Rio

Alberto and Morrison start us off. Cole is ripping into Jerry over him lasting 4 seconds in the 97 Rumble. Alberto controls early and brings Sheamus in after a few seconds. Morrison fights back fairly well against the Human Jar of Mayonnaise. Off to Alberto again and Morrison may want to consider a tag. He's fought off Del Rio but won't tag.

Morrison sets up for Starship Pain but Sheamus pulls him to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Del Rio holding Morrison in a chinlock. Sheamus interfered during the break to give his team the advantage. Off to Sheamus again and we see that Michael Tarver is watching on. He looks a bit slimmer but that could be due to being in a suit. Sheamus continues to hammer away and locks in that highly modified crossface chickenwing that he's been using recently.

A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gets two. Brogue Kick misses and Morrison gets an enziguri to take down Sheamus. Henry finally is tagged in after 9 minutes. He runs over Del Rio a few times and gets a standing splash for two. He and Sheamus face off but get Sheamus gets taken down by the Flash Kick. Morrison dives out onto Sheamus and may have tweaked his knee on the landing. In the ring the cross armbreaker ends Henry at 10:07.

Alberto Del Rio/Sheamus b. Mark Henry/John Morrison - Cross armbreaker to Henry

Rating: C-. I wasn't feeling this match for some reason. It's not terrible but Henry not coming in until the very end hurt it a bit. Morrison seemed like he was sleepwalking through this and it didn't work that well for the most part. It's an ok match but it never really got going for me.

Divas Title: Melina vs. Natalya

Melina is shrieking early and knocks Natalya to the floor very early. Natalya is in trouble and Melina locks on a Full Nelson using her legs while sitting on the mat. That's a new one on me for sure. Natalya stands up and rams Melina in the corner and fires off some forearms.

She pulls back for a big right hand but Melina drills her to take her down. Melina tries a leg lock but Natalya grabs the legs and pulls into a Sharpshooter, wrenching back on it so hard that she's laying on her back. There's the easy submission at 2:45. Too short to grade but that submission was great.

Natalya b. Melina @ 2:45 - Sharpshooer

Post match here's Laycool. They say that this Sunday Natalya is losing some weight in the form of the title. They don't say which it is but apparently one or both is getting a shot.

Back and we recap last week's main event with Punk winning by DQ due to Ryan kicking him in the face. There's a religious sounding song in the background as Punk narrates about loyalty and faith.

Nexus is worrying about how Punk could cost them their spots in the Rumble. Punk and Ryan come up and Punk talks about making a sacrifice to beat Cena. He says that Sunday they will all sacrifice their spots so that Punk can win. Harris isn't looking happy about that. He says there are 40 people this year and what if Punk is already gone when they get there? Ryan says Punk won't be eliminated.

Punk says take care of the Corre tonight but McGillicutty says what about Cena? Punk says he'll win because Barrett was Cena's main enemy, not Punk. The leader has them take a knee and raise their fists, drawing great heat from the crowd.

Matthews is with Cena who says he's always done the right thing and he'll do that tonight. If Punk wins he'll eliminate every member of the New Nexus. If Barrett wins he has to deal with the Corre, which has an extra R. He found out what it stands for earlier today but gets cut off by Miz and Riley. Apparently it stands for rectum.

Miz says everyone needs to realize that winning the Rumble could be the worst thing possible as it means they could face him. Cena stares him down and says Miz might lose at the Rumble and lose his rematch and not make it to Wrestlemania. Cena leaves and Miz gets rid of Matthews. Miz asks the audience if they think he'll win the Rumble. He asks Riley if it's ready and Riley says roll the footage. We get a clip of the beatdown of Orton from last week and Cole is very happy with it.

The Miz vs. Edge

As we're about ready to go here's Dolph. Can we get to some wrestling already? Ziggler and Vickie join us on commentary and we finally get the bell. Edge has taped ribs due to the Corre attack on Friday. After a brief feeling out process Edge takes over with some basic stuff. Later on we'll get an update on Teddy Long. Miz fires back but no one has had a long advantage yet.

Edge gets a clothesline to take Miz to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Edge getting a cover over what looked like a backdrop. Jerry: "Vickie I'm glad you could be here. I thought you'd be at the birth of your next boyfriend." King gets a good line in every now and then like there. Miz takes over but lowers his head and gets caught in a spinning neckbreaker. Edge wants the spear but Miz hits the floor.

Miz goes for the ribs but can't send Edge into the railing as the Canadian reverses. Back in and Miz can't get a superplex. Edge knocks him off and gets a top rope cross body for two. Jerry gets in an argument with Vickie and Dolph over glasses and pants or something like that. Miz drapes Edge over the top rope as we take another break.

Back with Miz getting a two off an unseen move. Some right hands get another two. Miz has a body scissors on Edge as Cole goes on and on about how great Miz is, listing off various people he's a combination of: Sammartino, Thesz, Michaels, just to name a few. Edge fights up and gets his half nelson face crusher for two. Miz's corner clothesline misses and Edge gets two.

Riley grabs the leg of Edge and Edge goes after him. Nothing comes of that but Miz gets a small package on Edge when he comes back in for two. Edge hits the ropes and misses a clothesline but Edge takes out Riley with a baseball slide. Edgecution puts Miz down and Edge wants the spear. And never mind as Ziggler trips him for the DQ at 16:40.

Edge b. The Miz via DQ when Alex Riley interfered

Rating:B-. Good match here and it got a lot of time. The double commercial kind of hurt it as it made it feel a bit disjointed. They started to crank it up at the end, but the most important thing here is that Miz looked pretty strong. No one winning definitively is a good thing for sure. Not a great match but not bat at all.

Post match Ziggler hits the Zig Zag but here comes Orton for the save. The crowd wakes way up for his appearance. RKO to Riley and RKO to Ziggler, but Miz gets a shot in and leaves with the title as we take a break.

Back with Barrett saying that he always talked about how Nexus was about the bigger picture. However he lost sight of that and only cared about the title and humiliating Cena. We pan out to see everyone else but Barrett repeated that there are no leaders here. Matthews asks about the attack on Long but Barrett again denies it. He respects Cena and hopes that can be mutual someday.

Daniel Bryan/Bella Twins vs. Ted DiBiase/Alicia Fox/Maryse

The genitaila have to match here. The guys start and it's off to a Bella and Maryse very soon. The other Bella hits on Daniel and Maryse gets a rollup with ease to end it at 57 seconds. No rating of course. Alicia I beg of you: straighten your hair again.

Maryse/Ted DiBiase/Alicia Fox b. Daniel Bryan/Bella Twins - Rollup to Nikki Bella

The genitaila have to match here. The guys start and it's off to a Bella and Maryse very soon. The other Bella hits on Daniel and Maryse gets a rollup with ease to end it at 57 seconds. No rating of course. Alicia I beg of you: straighten your hair again.

Maryse/Ted DiBiase/Alicia Fox b. Daniel Bryan/Bella Twins @ 57 seconds - Rollup to Nikki Bella

Back and the Bellas are arguing about Bryan. Tarver is staring at them and then disappears. That was….odd. They go into Bryan's locker room and find him making out with Gail Kim who is apparently his girlfriend who he's been dating for SIX MONTHS??? And yes he was in fact a vegan. Gail says he was hanging with the Bellas because he felt sorry for them since there were no more guest stars and they had nothing to do. They call Gail a nothing and a brawl breaks out. This was surprisingly hilarious.

Here's Nexus and the tag titles are on the line next.

Miz/Ziggler vs. Rated RKO on Friday.

Michael McGillicutty/Husky Harris vs. Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov

Cole corrects himself as this is not a title match. McGillicutty and Kozlov to start. Off to Santino and he loses the advantage for his team. Harris beats him up for a good while as the Canaditalian is in trouble. He needs a tag but Harris takes Vlad down before it can be made. Santino wakes up and fights Harris off on his own. Time for the Cobra but he walks into a clothesline from Husky. Downward Spiral ends it at 3:52.

Michael McGillicutty/Husky Harris b. Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov @ 3:52 - Downward Spiral to Marella

Rating:D+. Nothing special at all here and I'm not entirely sure if I'd have gone with a glorified squash of the champions. It was a TV match with nothing going on at all for the most part. Pretty clear that it's just a way to set up another Nexus title run which they could use I guess. Yeah that's it.

Otunga says let's hear it for the winners and introduces Punk.

Cena is coming and we go to a break.

Wade Barrett vs. CM Punk

Cena is referee and the winner's group gets to stay in the Rumble. Before the match, Cena throws Nexus out. Hey Corre, you're out too. Cole gets on Cena for abusing his power with those ejections. Ah there's the bell but Cena shoves Punk down almost immediately. Punk comes up with a fist but Cena points out the referee. There's a slap to Barrett from Punk and again with the shirt.

Punk jumps Barrett and we're finally on. Barrett is thrown to the floor and Punk jaws at Cena, saying that's him on Sunday. Naturally Cena throws Punk over the top. Punk charges back in but won't hit him because it would mean he's out of the Rumble. Barrett jumps him from behind, but Cena hits the floor to sign some autographs instead of counting a pin.

Back in the ring and it's…a bell? It's a double DQ for use of excessive profanity on a PG show at 2:00. Both teams are out of the Rumble! Cena starts to leave but it's an E-Mail. The teams are back in, but if Cena doesn't apologize to both guys then he's out.

Wade Barrett vs. CM Punk went to a Double DQ @ 2:00 when they both used too much profanity

Cena apologizes but drills them both. The rest of the teams run in and Cena hits the floor. The locker room empties and it's the annual pre-Rumble big brawl to end the show.

This author has been living the wrestling dream covering all the latest news in the pro-wrestling world. <br />

Grid Of Cells: Innovation Is The Key To Sustainable Development

Grid Of Cells: Innovation Is The Key To Sustainable Development

June 28, by the "Government Procurement Information Report", Government Procurement Information Network's "The Fourth National Summit on government procurement regulation," and the "Government Procurement General Consumables Symposium "held in Jiangsu Yancheng. Grid of cells, Shandong Fu-mei, Pan Ling and other general supplies leading companies invited to participate. Grid of cells, as industry representatives delivered the keynote speech. Fourth National Summit on-site supervision of government procurement General supplies seminars government procurement field Assistant General Manager of the grid cell keynote speech Miss Ren Jingqian

Lattice of lattice Miss Ren Jingqian assistant general manager, said at the meeting, at the national advocate energy-saving Environmental protection Against the backdrop, compatible consumables industry in reducing environmental Office Cost is of great significance. In addition, Miss Ren Jingqian also reviewed Newstar playing with Epson in the U.S. 3-year 337 lawsuits, and, deeply understand the importance of independent innovation. Finally, Newstar has also initiated relevant: According to the "Government Procurement Law" required to give priority to purchasing green supplies to give priority to purchase their products, give priority to the procurement of supplies patented innovation. Following is the full text of his speech

: Hello, everybody. First, on behalf of the Company and President of Pearl Hainasida Mr. Wang Dongying to thank the "Government Procurement Information Report" and the government procurement information network of the two major media companies to set up domestic supplies close communication with government leaders reporting platform. Also on behalf of the Committee of China Computer Association, vice president of special units of consumables to thank the Government Procurement Office of the Tianjin Bureau of Finance Commissioner Li, Shandong Province, the provincial authorities Wang, deputy director of the Government Procurement Center, Shanxi Provincial Finance Department Government Procurement Department, the Director Ju, Zhejiang Province Department of Finance, Director Chen of the Government Procurement Office of the general supplies, and other leaders to come to participate in seminars.

In saving under the guidance of social policy, saving the new office of all government units, enterprises and users and industrial users of common concern. Supplies more than 200 billion demand, let us see the green office supplies to reduce the cost of significance.

Supplies for environmental protection, cell of the grid always believed that innovation is the key. Through technological innovation, optimize product quality, reduce printing costs. This is to break the monopoly high prices, to provide users with convenient and offers the best way.


In product quality, as general supplies leading brand products cell of the grid entirely comparable with the original printing supplies, technical level is very mature. Regardless of the production process and have reached the scale of international demand. The lattice grid with 11 million square meters of production base, production base of supplies, including ink jet and laser supplies production base, production base of needle supplies. Nearly 4,000 employees, 10 production centers in the introduction of a number of international advanced production lines and realize automatic production.

In prices, the use of lattice grid supplies can save over 40% of government users printing costs, printing supplies at current consumption of the country to calculate, for the state alone can save money each year billions of RMB.

In innovative technology, has 20 000 grid cells of a number of patents available, the use of technological advantage has introduced environmentally friendly products. Such as "easy to add powder" green products, they are widely recognized by consumers. The adoption of technology is optimized to achieve a simple style plus powder, so that ordinary users can easily add flour to complete actions to achieve recycling.

In services, the establishment of a national grid cells of 800 free customer service hotline, to provide complete printing solutions and professional customer service team to provide pre-sales to government customers, sales, after-sale tracking service the whole process.

In the market, the grid of cells continued to release a variety of market activity Gift Feedback, high-end training, industry conferences, etc., to provide customers with more value-added services.

More about the format of my cells has been the work and achievements, in this particular to all the leaders, friends, a brief report on the media. I believe that all domestic supplies through the joint efforts of enterprises, general supplies industry has matured, the government is fully capable of providing good products and services.

Supplies as China Computer Industry Association, vice president of special committees units, in this cell of the grid on the following expectations of peer-general supplies:

One, practicing internal strength, to ensure product quality, product technology, environmental protection requirements consistent with state standards, a good product is a win markets;

Second, adhere to independent innovation, respect for intellectual property rights, and create product differentiation and core values, and general supplies and technological upgrading;

3, for a large amount of the characteristics of government users, to provide better cost-effective, more convenient and more environmentally friendly products, help the Government reduce administrative costs and energy savings;

4, optimization of easy recovery, easy disassembly, easily degradable, non-toxic and harmless or harmful material of low toxicity and design program, vigorously promote the production of low carbon green supplies.

Addition, government departments made the following recommendations:

An established government procurement of office supplies low-cost quantitative environmental indicators to guide government procurement cost-effective, convenient and environmentally friendly products;

Second, take concrete actions to support the general supplies industry, changes in the past supplies and Printer Package Sell The model, set up a separate government procurement catalog printing supplies category;

Third, the implementation of aspects of procurement, quality, price, technology as Tender Main index file is not set "original", "recycled" and other directional indicators;

4, in accordance with the "Government Procurement Law" of preferential procurement of green supplies to give priority to purchase their products, give priority to the procurement of supplies patented innovation.

Here, I also take this opportunity to report on government leaders and you look at Newstar and Epson counterparts on the progress of 337 patent cases. Since February 2006, the lawsuit has lasted more than 3 years, although alone, but we have been trying to fight. Newstar in the U.S. PTO on Epson's patents were invalid so-called complaints have not stopped, the scope is still expanding! Throughout the process, Newstar much of the evidence collected, the current waiting several key patents in the U.S. Patent Office ruling! As long as key evidence of a work will make things have reversed. Newstar always adhere to the belief: not out of the U.S. market. Only if we hold on, and our other colleagues in the technology improvement is possible again after entering the U.S. market. On the contrary, the whole of China supplies industry will be insulated in the U.S. market.

We believe that satisfied

I am an expert from China Hardware Suppliers, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as fiber optic adaptor , ethernet loopback cable.

Smart Grid Industry More Opportunities For Transmission

Smart Grid Industry More Opportunities For Transmission Wu Jiandong reference to the views of experts in smart grid, smart grid features include: two-way interaction between the intelligent data transfer, the implementation of dynamic floating price system; use of sensors, transmission and distribution, electricity and other key aspects of the situation of running real-time monitoring and data integration, "load shifting" to balance power supply and demand, to run the entire power system optimization of management; the various types of new energy access network (such as: wind, solar, geothermal, etc.), Distributed Energy Management ; to improve power supply efficiency, reduce energy loss and improve quality of power supply; smart meters can be used as the Internet router, to promote the power sector based on its end-user to conduct communications, broadband services, or broadcast TV signal.

At present, the smart grid has become a strategic choice in many countries, including China and the United States, including many countries are beginning to practice smart grid research and development or construction, as the starting point and needs of various countries are different, so the smart grid concept Standards vary.

This year in May, officially announced the national grid: in 2020 to build a strong intelligence network; smart grid should be a strong first grid. Strong foundation for smart grid, smart grid is strong and fully functioning key, the two complement each other and harmonized.

State Grid Corporation of view, smart grid is the backbone of UHV power grid, the coordinated development of all levels a strong grid network and power network of information technology, digital, automatic, interactive, in the power supply safe, reliable and high-quality basis , the further realization of clean, efficient and interactive goals. Smart grid covers power generation, scheduling, transmission, distribution and consumption in all sectors, is a closed-loop system. ]]>
We believe that the possibility of building smart grid is the construction of pre-1000 KV State Grid Jindongnan - Nanyang - Jingmen UHV AC pilot demonstration project has been submitted successfully operated for nearly six months; need is a large-scale use of renewable energy will challenge the existing power grid, they will not impact the stability of the traditional power grid, only the smart grid to meet the various power output and access.

Experts Wu Jiandong smart grid reference point, smart grid features include: two-way interactive intelligent data transfer, the implementation of dynamic floating price system; use sensors, transmission and distribution, electricity and other key aspects of the operating conditions in real-time monitoring and data integration, "load shifting" to balance power supply and demand, to run the entire power system optimization of management; the various types of new energy access network (such as: wind, solar, geothermal, etc.), Distributed Energy Management ; to improve power supply efficiency, reduce energy loss and improve quality of power supply; smart meters can be used as the Internet router, to promote the power sector based on its end-user to conduct communications, broadband services, or broadcast TV signal.

Building a strong intelligence network, equipment manufacturing is the key. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Construction of UHV power grid, national grid each year more than 2000 billion invested in more than 70% to be converted into equipment and materials. Since our smart grid covering power generation, scheduling, transmission, distribution and consumption in all sectors, and our implementation is "a special four", in the optimal allocation of resources throughout the country's energy development strategy, therefore, the product benefit point of view, we are optimistic: Transmission and Distribution in a Chain of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), UHP ultra high voltage equipment (such as transformers, high voltage switch gas Insulated Switchgear, etc.), special high-voltage control and protection equipment, digital substation and electricity sectors in the smart meters; will enable "information digitization, automation, and interaction" of dispatching, the electricity market "software."

Smart Grid is the Power System Development Investment the future direction of, the equipment manufacturing industry will be reflected in the new energy, new technologies in the field of comprehensive strength, the increase in demand for related products, will drive the performance of listed companies related to upgrading.

Note that foreign intelligent power distribution grids more attention to the field, and our need for more attention to transmission and distribution areas, in particular to the development of UHV power grid into which, through the intelligent grid to ensure safe, reliable and stability, and enhance the safe operation of bulk power system control capability, according to this thinking, especially high-pressure, high pressure building is the most obvious areas of benefit. Furthermore, the building is a long-term smart grid and large projects, in accordance with national network of planning, at least 10 years or older to be completed, but specific details of the current ?? published results of listed companies so difficult to show Niannei.

I am China Quality Lighting writer, reports some information about mesh sink strainer , sink mesh strainer.

Teleteria founder Jay Servidio Discusses the Future of Working Online

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3/21/2011 WWE Monday Night RAW Results

3/21/2011 WWE Monday Night RAW Results

3/21/2011 WWE Monday Night RAW Results

By The Reporter /



We open with Good Old…..Michael Cole in a fat suit with his ankle taped and a bottle of barbecue sauce. It took the crowd a bit to get the idea but they finally boo the hell out of him. Cole has cotton in his mouth to simulate Ross' voice issues. Funny stuff.


HHH opens us up properly. His entrances might take longer than Undertaker's if that's possible. HHH talks about how this is the biggest match of his career and how people are finally talking about the match with the signs like 19-0 and 18-1. He actually says the Streak is bigger than any championship. I'm kind of surprised to hear that. HHH wants Undertaker to be here next week for a staredown. He talks about Taker's song and that once the Streak is over, Taker is done and that at Mania Undertaker will rest in peace. Weak promo indeed.


HHH starts to leave but here's…..Ted DiBiase? As in Junior. What the hell does he think he's doing here? He talks about how last year he was a rising star and now he's just another guy. What would happen if he took out HHH right now on live TV? Well at least he knows he means nothing. DiBiase gets in a few shots but winds up getting beaten down to the shock of no one. HHH beats on DiBiase with a chair and I guess this is to show how ruthless he is. Pedigree through the announce table and DiBiase is dead.


Cena will be here via satellite tonight. Oh there are a ton of jokes there.


Miz will be rewriting "Miz-Tory" tonight. Ok then.


Evan Bourne vs. Sheamus


This is non-title I think and is happening due to Bourne getting that quick win a few weeks back. Total Sheamus dominance to start us off here but Bourne gets a kick to put Sheamus down. Since almost the only move he has is the Shooting Star he tries that and misses. Brogue Kick ends this in 1:24.


Sheamus b. Evan Bourne @ 1:24 - Brogue Kick


Sheamus says he's the new US Champion and is awesome. Bryan comes out and wants his rematch at Mania. Sheamus kicks him in the head and leaves him laying. Gee remember a few weeks ago when so many people said Sheamus got buried and I said you were wrong and it wasn't a burial? Care to say that you all ran your mouths now and have no idea what you're talking about? Go ahead. Anytime now.


It's Wrestlemania Rewind tonight with Orton vs. Mysterio vs. the invisible and unnamed Kurt Angle apparently.


Back with Orton getting off a bus and having some interviewer asking him how he's doing. Orton talks about being on the bus and liking having his family with him and that he loves watching the video of him punting Nexus over and over again. All we really get out of this is that he has a bus. And I'm sure Punk isn't going to do anything to that bus later. Not a thing.


Maryse vs. Eve Torres


Non title again as I guess Maryse is heel on Raw and face on NXT. She gets slapped down as this is about as riveting as you would expect it to be. After nothing of note is going on, Cole AGAIN interrupts them on the mic and says he has something else to announce tonight that is special and we need to get this match over with. Standing moonsault to Maryse gets knees but she hits a spinning neckbreaker to end it at 2:20. Eve goes after Cole and his security takes her out.


Eve Torres b. Maryse @ 2:20 - Spinning neckbreaker


Back with Corre in the ring as the tag champions are on Raw for once. We get a clip from Smackdown of Corre beating the hell out of Kane and Big Show which was nowhere near as epic as they were trying to make it out to be.


Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater vs. Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov


It's not a good sign that I had the non-champions names written in before their music hit because they're the Raw face tag team. Gabriel vs. Santino to start and Santino wants the Cobra. He gets his head kicked off instead and it's off to Slater for the chinlock. Off to Kozlov as Barrett gets involved. Slater gets a reverse DDT and the 450 ends this at 1:47. Total squash.



Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater b. Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov @ 1:47 - 450 to Kozlov


Show and Kane come down for the save post match. They clean house and leave Corre laying, including Jackson after a double chokeslam. I'm guessing this will be at Mania somehow as all four faces stand mostly tall.


Cena's interview is up next.


Back and we recap Miz destroying Cena to end last week and the last few weeks' worth of shows.


Cena says that he's injured and it's because of Miz. Miz is impressive and deserves to be champion. This is serious Cena here and it's rather short with one major thing being said: Rock and Cena in the same ring next week. They had to do it sooner or later, but I would have waited until Wrestlemania. Give the fans something very important to see.


Cole's announcement is up next.


Back with Cole and Swagger running around the ring. Swagger goes out in front of the announce table (which has been repaired after HHH broke it) and Cole talks about last week with Brian being here, which we get a clip of. Apparently Brian Christopher sent Cole a gift: the Lawler Family Photo Album.


We get some pictures of Lawler's father with Cole saying what Lawler's father is thinking. Naturally they're all insults. Cole says he went to Memphis this week and found out that Lawler and Lawler's father are very similar: they're both bullies that back down when someone puts them in their place, like Cole is going to do at Mania. Lawler has Swagger two feet in front of him which is why he hasn't charged the ring yet.


Cole calls the Lawler family a bunch of losers and Lawler snaps. He beats up Swagger a bit and goes after Cole but Swagger gets up and beats him down. Cole hides in the box and Swagger shoves Lawler's face into the box while Swagger keeps insulting him. Ankle lock goes on as does the AnCole Lock (and no I'm not making that name up) which Lawler taps to. Mad heat on Cole and Swagger as we go to a break. The build for this has been awesome to say the least.


Mania hype video which is pretty good. Hard to believe it's only 13 days away.


Cole apologizes for no apparent reason at all.


That transitions us to talking about…..Snooki. Damn it. It's a recap plus all the media talking about this match and trying to use wrestling lingo while sounding like imbeciles.


Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison


Laycool and Vickie are with Dolph and Trish is with Morrison. Ziggler takes him down to start but Morrison goes all angry. That gets him caught in a neckbreaker for two to take him down. Morrison gets going and hits a dropkick. Michelle stops him from diving over the top and Trish fights off Laycool. Trish winds up in the ring and it's E-Mail time. It's now a 4-2 handicap match with Laycool/Vickie/Ziggler vs. Trish/Morrison which starts after the break.


John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler went to a no contest when Laycool and Trish Stratus interfered


Dolph Ziggler/Laycool/Vickie Guerrero vs. Trish Stratus/John Morrison


Back with the guys going at it. Off to Trish and Layla who both look great. Michelle kicks Trish in the back to shift the momentum and bring in the tall blonde. I think she got tagged twice but whatever. Knee to Trish's head as Trish's pants seem to be falling a bit. Back off to Layla as Trish plays Ricky Morton for awhile. Off to Vickie who misses an ass drop and it's off to the men again. The girls fight elsewhere while Morrison misses Starship Pain. He gets sent into the post and Ziggler adds a Zig Zag. Vickie gets the pin at 4:00 shown.


Laycool/Vickie Guerrero/Dolph Ziggler b. John Morrison/Trish Stratus @ 4:00 shown - Guerrero pinned Morrison after a Zig Zag from Ziggler


Rating: C. With the girls looking that good out there it's really hard to say this wasn't good. They're trying to build up Snooki as the X factor here which is what she probably should do at the end of the day. Nothing too bad here but nothing great, so average sounds like a good grade for it. The ending was fine and no, Morrison isn't being buried.


Sin Cara video. I was a bit underwhelmed the first time I saw this but the more I see it the more I want to see him.


Various stars and legends talk about HHH vs. Undertaker. The weakest name in there is probably Morrison so they're having a lot of big names in there. Guys like Race, Ross, Lawler, Cena, Arn Anderson and Austin talk about it. Shawn says nothing lasts forever. Arn says it's like winning 18 Super Bowls in a row. Not really but we'll go with that.


Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton


Mysterio's entrance is after the break. Back and we see the Orton bus clip from earlier but the audio is messed up. Rey is in the black and yellow for the Steelers color scheme. He takes Orton down to his knees but the equally tall from there Orton gets a European uppercut to take Rey down. Orton does an evil look and throws Rey to the floor.


Back in and Orton's knee drop gets two. Rey fights back and gets the seated senton for two. Orton might have had a chance to block it if he hadn't been falling down before the move hit. Orton tries the elevated DDT but Rey counters with something like a slingshot through Orton's legs which is one of the only counters that I've ever seen that was somewhat realistic. Orton blocks the 619 and hits the DDT.


Orton preps for the RKO but Punk pops up on the screen. He's in front of the tour bus from earlier and says he can't wait to meet Orton's wife. Orton sprints to the back (we'll say the match ended there, meaning it ended at 3:45) and gets jumped by Punk who hits Randy in the knee with a wrench. Punk says Orton won't be punting anyone at Mania. "Now ain't that a kick in the head."


Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio went to a no contest at 3:45 when Orton left the ring.


HHH and Undertaker will be face to face next week.


Rock will be live next week.


Alex Riley is in the ring which has a red carpet now. Apparently he's been rehired (presumably by Miz) as Vice President of Corporate Communications. He introduces Miz who apparently was the best man at Riley's wedding. Miz talks about how people used to come from miles around to see Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan perform and now people come to see Miz.


It's his time now and while there have been Rock imitators over the years, his impression was the best. He has more charisma than Shawn Michaels, is more dominant than Andre the Giant and is more intelligent than Rock and Cena combined. He says that tonight he rewrites "Miztory" and he takes the mic cube off. He holds it up and turns it upside down, making an M.


Behind him is a table with a sheet over it. He and Riley pull it off to reveal the WWE Title with the W flipped upside down to make an M. That's the new title design apparently. He hits the catchphrase and Cena pops up on the screen. He points out that that's kind of lame, which it is. Cena says that the WWE Universe knows he's not invincible and that they also know you shouldn't make him mad.


Cena has a surprise for them. Some people in Pittsburgh Penguins shirts pop up and take apart his walls, revealing that he's really in the arena. He didn't lie when he said he was at home, because his home is here with the fans, just like he's been for 9 years. Points for being creative there at least. Miz and Riley beat him down for awhile but Cena fights back. Miz runs and Riley gets caught in the STF a few times. Miz comes back but doesn't come to the ring. Cena's music plays us out.


Credit: Thomas Hall




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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Qingdao into a key state 1.55 billion investment in building the pilot smart grid

Qingdao into a key state 1.55 billion investment in building the pilot smart grid Point here for more exciting content>>
Reporter learned from the power company of Qingdao, Qingdao grid construction task has been recently established this year, the state building smart grid pilot projects are all settled in Qingdao, Shandong, Qingdao power grid construction and transformation of planned investment will reach 1.55 billion yuan, year, new changes capacity of 4.56 million KVA power, 662 km transmission line.

This year, Qingdao full power company will promote smart grid pilot projects focus on the power grid projects, the completion of ± 660 kV DC converter Nanjing East station and 500 kV, 220 kV Power Transmission Project complete, A 500 kilovolt Daze Station, 220 1000

V wrong port Ling stops, Tuan station and other projects; strengthen distribution network and strong bonding intelligent distribution network planning, continue to do with automation; advance planning, revision and improvement "of Qingdao city distribution network 12 Five-Year Plan" ; full with good power, Qingdao, key projects, ensuring the power grid this year with the docking projects start construction in time, put into operation.

In accordance with the State Home Appliances Building a strong network of companies plan to deploy smart grid, the power company Qingdao assumed 220 kV afternoon mountain intelligent Transformer substation Transformation experiments, intelligent network Low Customer information collection system construction and intelligent distribution automation pilot three pilot projects. It is also nation-building smart grid pilot project in Shandong this year, all the items. To ensure the building of strong and smart grid pilot project for the smooth implementation of the three, Qingdao power supply company through technical innovation and management innovation, integrated use of information, Communicate , Control, management and other areas of the advanced techniques to ensure high quality for the "12 5" smart grid during the building lay a good foundation. ]]>

Qingdao power supply company has said that, for power projects this year, more difficult of the difficult technology, power grid development plan the company will research, preliminary project management, speed up construction of power distribution network in particular, the pace and strengthen management of infrastructural projects start to further strengthen the planning, design, construction and acceptance, transmission work in five areas to ensure the orderly grid projects, the successful completion of the "Eleventh Five-Year" of the power grid planning construction projects, for "12 5" period lay a solid foundation construction will result in Qingdao power play clean, efficient smart grid.

News Links National Intelligent Network Planning
Smart grid, also known as a strong intelligence network, introduced into China in 2009, led by the national grid pre-planning, organization standards and pre-trial work.

Smart grid development in China is divided into three stages. 2009 -2.01 thousand years of planning the pilot phase, mainly development planning, technical and management standards for technology and equipment research and development; 2011 -2 015-year building phase, to speed up special High pressure Urban and rural power grid and distribution network construction and shape control of smart grid operation and interactive service system; 2016 -2,020 years leading the upgrade phase, full completion of the unified "strong smart grid."

In accordance with the State Grid Corporation planning to build a strong intelligence network in 2020 to form North China, East China, Central China Power Grid for the UHV simultaneously receiving end, Northeast, Northwest Power Grid for the transmission side, to connect major national coal, hydropower, nuclear power and renewable Energy Power base of a strong grid structure.

I am China Crafts Suppliers writer, reports some information about nail printing machine , digital nail printer.

Video Rating: 0 / 5

Handicapped? Teleteria Founder, Jay Servidio, Has an Idea

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