Tuesday, August 30, 2011

40 Centuries & 20 Years of Inexorable, Infinite Punt - Somalia, East Africa's Most Radiant Nation II

40 Centuries & 20 Years of Inexorable, Infinite Punt - Somalia, East Africa's Most Radiant Nation II

In an earlier article, first of the present, commemorative series titled ''40 Centuries & 20 Years of Inexorable, Infinite Punt - Somalia, East Africa's Most Radiant Nation'', I denounced the vilification effort against the late President of Somalia Siad Barre, which has been undertaken by the political and journalistic regimes of the New World Order.


I specified that basically the Freemasonic World Order's hysteria against Siad Barre was due to the fact that Siad Barre was not ''theirs'', namely that he did not belong to that low class of filthy and miserable persons, who could be bought up by the criminal Freemasonic elite of this world. I also added that Siad Barre paid dearly for his intransigent morality, and his inflexible ideas.


I then made clear that those, who accuse President Siad Barre's for his military background, career and identity that he brought into the Somali politics due to the 21st October 1969 coup, are liars and evil hypocrites. First, the coup was enthusiastically accepted by nearly all the Somalis, and second, years before the coup, the then premier of Somalia, Abdirashid Ali Shermarke, had considered the eventuality of calling the military into the Somali political life, which shows that the need for a coup was shared by the people, the politicians and the military.


Finally, I concluded that the strong personal bond between President Abdirashid Ali Shermarke and the assassinated US President John Kennedy, President Abdirashid Ali Shermarke's assassination, and the intentionally subsequent coup (undertaken just on the day after Shermarke's state funerals) make evident that Siad Barre wanted to prevent the evil forces of Freemasonry from permeating the Somali state and society through their seditious acts and processes and from taking control over the illustrious Horn of Africa nation.


I promised to analyze in detail a notorious New York Times article about Abdirashid Ali Shermarke, and I will do so in a forthcoming part of the ''40 Centuries & 20 Years of Inexorable, Infinite Punt - Somalia, East Africa's Most Radiant Nation'' series, but herewith I will continue on Siad Barre's political errors. As I stated, his worst mistake was that he did not take seriously the world elite's attitude to the Somali Nation's rightful claim for national integrity and independence. I will therefore expand on the subject.


Back in the 60s, the final adjustments were made before the plan implementation that would bring forth, half a century later, the New World Order. The global economy, the obliteration of borderlines, the central planning as per the interests of the hidden Freemasonic elite, the emergence of communication means that would enforce complete and uninterrupted mind control, and the global imposition of a materialistic socio-behavioural system based on fake reality, incest, misled desires, and lack of faith are all the fundamental dimensions of the most inhuman, most devilish, and most ominous plan ever invented for the Mankind, and its unfortunate fate.


As these processes necessitated a great part of deceptive labour and criminal deeds in order to eliminate the numerous obstacles, practically speaking every nation, party, organization, statesman, politician, academician, intellectual, religious leader or scholar, and activist that stood in the way would have imperatively to be eliminated; otherwise the Satanic organization of the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge would fail in their foremost plan, effort and assault against the Mankind.


It is critical to note here that it is terribly wrong to ponder whether a small country can matter when it comes to global predominance; in fact, a faraway nation is not anymore marginal and remote. In a global world, viewed through the eyes of the top of the Satanic, Freemasonic, hierarchical pyramid, there is no margin, and every point is equally interconnected to all the rest; it is clear that this increases every point's importance, and therefore makes of Somalia a very important issue, if and when it becomes an 'exception' in the global politics, e.g. a state ruled by opponents of the Freemasonic pestilence.


It is clear that, as of today, the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge that controls most of the world failed in its preparatory work – at least, they failed in many points. In Russia, their puppet, the ''President'' Medvedev, did not manage to usurp the power, facing a bold opposition from Premier Vl. Putin, and failing to offset the rising socio-political weight of Christian Orthodoxy. China, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Eritrea, Myanmar, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Zimbabwe are fifteen (15) countries of diverse size, impact and importance that are totally or considerably uncontrolled by the treacherous, duplicitous, and subversive Freemasons who still use every economic and political tool available to put the aforementioned countries under control and impose on them either local Freemasons or subservient puppets as rulers.


Furthermore, despite the repugnant immorality, the immense corruption, and the multi-levelled and multi-faceted deception utilized, the Satanic elite of Freemasonry failed to duly, securely, and ''irreversibly'' control many other countries whereby the Freemasonic control is precarious, dubious and frail: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Thailand, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Poland, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Nigeria, Mexico, Albania, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, and Congo. 


What would it matter if Somalia were still united and categorized among the aforementioned two groups?


It would matter greatly, but this is not an easy point to detect. About Somalia's particularities and potentialities, I will speak later, but at this point I will just state that, for the Freemasonic plans, the hypothesis or the real existence of a country escaping their control is already a very serious subject.


Following the brief introduction, I will herewith examine the socio-behavioural and political traits of the Somali Nation that President Siad Barre failed to identify as grave obstacles in the path of his enemies and as destabilizing factors for his enemies' plans and targets.


If we refer to the above mentioned dimensions of the Freemasonic plan – that we all saw being unfolded in front of our eyes over the past fifty (50) years –, we may find some of them attractive and worthy; quite unfortunately, the contents and the nature of a target may differ greatly as per the related conceptualization. They can be either very good and ideal or absolutely nefarious and ominous; in these cases, the intentions behind the target do characterize and predetermine it.


For instance, the obliteration of borderlines may be a wonderful perspective; it may imply freedom of movement and freedom of expression; it may also involve elimination of armies, reduction or disappearance of defence budgets for all the governments of the world, and rational utilization of the spared money for poverty eradication. All this seems good, and can effectively be good, if the intentions are such.


But according to a totally different conceptualization of the issue, the obliteration of borderlines may involve forced acceptance of socio-behavioural models, prohibition of free speech, proscription of religious practices, interdiction of use of various languages, banning of numerous books or even holy texts, imposition of nutrition directives, and compulsory oblivion of social traditions that lasted for millennia. There is no doubt that such a conceptualization of the issue would be ominous at the global scale.


By definition, judgment and reasoning follow symmetries; the way the world economies converged into the present global economy was most unfortunate and most catastrophic for billions of deracinated people whose traditional conditions of life that were wonderful to them changed, leaving them in filthy, unhealthy and impoverished slums at the circumference of over-magnified and effectively lethal urban centres - the only place whereby financial profit can be exponentially multiplied.


This suggests that any attempt for obliteration of borderlines, undertaken by the same global forces that promoted and brought forth the global economy, will be of disastrous impact and result.


What are the socio-behavioural and political traits of the Somali Nation that constitute grave obstacles for the Freemasonic plan of global predominance?


Before enumerating and briefly commenting these traits, I have to clarify that, by 'obstacle', I do not mean straightforward political opposition at the global level, but I rather hint at the existence and perpetuation of a different model, system and trait, that represents highlights genuine humanity and natural normality in opposition to the rotten, corrupt and malodorous identity of the misfortunate, Freemasonry-controlled societies..


The great significance of the existence or persistence of an opposite model is well understood by the Freemasonic masters of the world's elite; that's why wherever they find it, they try to either denigrate or eliminate it. Somalia offered and still offers a genuinely human model that in times of crisis can become an example for many other nations, African or not; and this is a matter of greater concern for the Freemasonic elite of the world.


The Somali National Life evolves around the following eight pillars:


1. Historical continuity – magnificent historicity uninterrupted for four (4) millennia


2. National integrity – involving one language, religion, culture and ancestry


3. Strong faith, deep piety, high spirituality


4. Magnificent oral literature, great linguistic means of expression, religious and political lyricism


5. Absence of prostitution and incest; ''widespread'' polygamy


6. Devotion to cultural traditions, matched with a tolerant attitude


7. Socio-political decentralization – an all-Somali state being a historical scarcity, absence of expansionism  



8. Decentralized economic life, with economy, literature, politics and religion overlapping


The aforementioned traits represent exactly the antipodes of the socio-behavioural and political system that the evil Freemasonic World Order elite finds useful for both, the Freemasonic penetration in the specific society, and the integration of the specific society into the Freemasonic fabrication, the ominous 'global world'.


Had Presidents Abdirashid Ali Shermarke and Siad Barre only imagined the contrast the aforementioned traits make with those the evil Freemasonic rulers want to find in (or – if missing – project onto) a targeted society, they would have assessed correctly the magnitude of the threat that the Somali model represents for the hidden masters of the colonial regimes of London, Paris and Washington, and for their disrespectful puppets worldwide.


Why Presidents Abdirashid Ali Shermarke and Siad Barre failed to detect the aforementioned is easy to assess; they were caught into the trap of the profusely spread deceptions of the cursed Western world, namely the myths of the 'technological development', the 'economic growth', the 'industrialization', the 'consumerism'.


It is however noteworthy that the said deception was not an exclusivity of the capitalist, western world and the colonized 'Third World', but gravely affected the soviet, socialist countries as well. In fact, the said deception consists in a vicious chimera that was diffused only after the worldwide colonial prevalence of France and England, who took good care to eliminate any Muslim, Buddhist, Confucian, Christian, Taoist and any other religious theoretical opponent, by destroying local structures of hieratical tradition everywhere.  


I will now briefly explain why each of the aforementioned Somali social traits severely endangers the Freemasonic New World Order targets.



The Freemasonic scourge has worked extensively since the 16th century to fill the world with false histories, fake nations, and invalid conceptualizations of all the historical periods. Even the division of the World History into Antiquity, Middle Ages and Modern Times is malignantly fallacious. As a result of the academic distortions, which have been elaborated by Freemasonic Hellenists and Orientalists, popularized by the Freemasonry-controlled mass media and educational systems, and implemented by colonial diplomats and puppet-statesmen worldwide, a great number of fake states came to existence. All has been geared in order to setup the theatrical scenery that is suitable for the Freemasonic messianic - eschatological conspiracy, and the advent of the Antichrist (Masih al Dajjal).  


As example, I mention here that Israel is not Israel but Judah, Greece is not Greece but a South Balkan amalgamation of nations, Turkey is not Turkey but truly speaking the real modern state of Greece, Iraq is an inexistent name fabricated by the British instead of Mesopotamia, Ethiopia is not Ethiopia but Abyssinia, Sudan is the only real Ethiopia, Iran is really Azerbaijan, Lebanon is a fake name – substitute to the real but prohibited name of Phoenicia, and Syria is not Syria but Aram.


Africa is the place par excellence whereby fake states have been formed to mean absolutely nothing and to confuse all indigenous populations. Even when a national name happens to be correct, the true national identity is distorted or even ejected. Egypt is neither Egypt nor Masr (as said in Arabic, a noun of Assyrian – Babylonian origin), but Kemet; and Kemet is not an 'Arab' country but a genuinely Hamitic – Kushitic land.


The vast, criminal deed was carried out in order to bring forth the following:


- A category of nations was to be induced / enforced to accept a false identity.


- Another category of nations was to be induced / enforced to forget their true identity, replacing it by misinterpretations and vague theories.


- A third category of nations was to be induced / enforced to split and thenceforth disregard their common identity and past. 


- A fourth category of nations was to be induced / enforced to merge with others, while forgetting their true identity.


- A fifth category of nations was to be induced / enforced to impose their false identity on others.


All this had a very critical double result:


a. total inability (of both Muslims and non-Muslims) to achieve a real nation-building effort – like for instance Italy


b. total inability (of Muslims) to rebuild a supra-national Islamic community (Umma) as a political entity – as per the example of the Ottoman Empire, earlier forms of the Caliphate, and – before Islam – the Roman Empire (even before its Christianization) and the ancient Oriental Empires.


The above trickery functioned effectively in a way that modern Muslims would neither become many different but fully accredited 'nations' (as per the political standards of the French political theory of Nationalism) nor achieve the re-establishment of an authentic Muslim multi-national (or more correctly, supra-national) empire.


This was the colonial viciousness and Satanic bias:


The nations induced / enforced to accept a false identity have been greatly encouraged to delve into ''their'' historical past – which was not theirs!


The nations induced / enforced to accept a false identity or to forget their true identity, have been greatly encouraged to disregard delving into their true historical past – which was their right, obligation, and only chance for success.


Somalia belongs of course to the second category. The magnificent Somali historical continuity (Punt – Azania / Other Berberia – Somalia) greatly disturbs the Freemasonic plotters and their policies, because the evil rulers of the New World Order are inclined to support nations that consist in an ethnic mixture of incestuous and vulgar societies rather than being the genuine descendents of a local populace that had not intermingled with others to great extent and abide by strict family rules.


In this regard, and as Somalia was not prone to Pan-Arabism (despite the malignant and subtle, colonial, political encouragement toward that direction – which would of course be disastrous), a national Renaissance of Somalia, involving


a. extensive archaeological explorations,


b. identification of Somalia's common historical destiny with Egypt,


c. consciousness of the Somalia's unique historical, geo-strategic position between the Mediterranean, the African and the Indian worlds,


d. complete integration of the country's great pre-Islamic past into the Islamic Ages' glories, and


e. overwhelming popularization of the aforementioned at the level of Somali national education, mass media, and modern culture


would trigger cataclysmic educational, academic, intellectual, and political changes across Northern Africa from Sudan to Egypt to Morocco, heralding exactly what the Freemasonic colonialists always wanted to avert:


A Hamitic – Kushitic Confederation spanning from Mauritania to Zanzibar with Islam as prevalent religion and with unmitigated access to their common pre-Pharaonic origins, when the entire Sahara was green.



Somalia has all it takes to be an integral nation, and the evil Freemasonic New World Order elite are fully aware of this reality. There are no minorities in Somalia in terms of ethnicity, language or religion. No other country in Africa could be compared to Somalia in this regard; a successful Somali state would invite the Oromos, the Berbers, and the Hausa to a path that directly opposes the Freemasonic target, turning the evil Freemasonic eschatological targets to ashes.


It is not by coincidence that the colonial powers left Africa with fake borderlines, creating states that are only able to destroy the various nations therein entrapped without their will, but through perfidious trickery, bestial Human Rights' abuse, and imposition of unrepresentative, Freemasonic puppets. 


The Satanic Freemasonic 'Global Village' cannot come to existence, when nations are integer and, respecting their identity, have no reason to see their future in the Freemasonic adultery and the faceless and powerless amalgamations that the Freemasons want to promote across the planet in order to better install their global world.



These traits close off the path to materialistic societies of idiotic consumers who are only able to guarantee the transformation of the Human Beings into rats. Certainly, these traits were / are not exclusive to the Somalis, although they are not evidently attested among all the nations of the world.


What matters for the Somali Nation is that, in their outright majority, they preserved these characteristics very strong until as late as the 1960s, and that these traits were encountered not only among the lower classes (if the term really applies) but among the local socio-political elite. This was a serious 'problem' for the monstrous Freemasonic gangsters who are accustomed to decree the assassination of their opponents with the same easiness with which they enjoy their Satanic meals and orgies – that they villainously call 'Agapae'.


In this regard, the assassination of Abdirashid Ali Shermarke merely heralded the assassination of the faithful, pious and devout Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, one of the greatest European statesmen of the 20th century, almost a decade later.



These distinct traits do not bode well for the Freemasonic expectations of a materialistic mob that can be easily deceived and corrupted; quite contrarily, they depict the portrait of a noble nation able to understand both, what real value is, and what valueless trash is.


Worse, these traits, viewed by the hidden Freemasonic rulers of the Western colonial countries, portray a self-confident nation very difficult to remove from their values, traditions and lifestyle, which – useless to add – are all at the very antipodes of the uncouth and vulgar standards of the Freemasonic global materialistic and consumerist barbarism.


With the exception of small ethno-religious groups or subjugated nations, very few nations managed to preserve their literary traditions alive, their linguistic treasure intact, and their religious lyricism vibrant - to the greatest disappointment and hysteria of the barbaric Apostate Freemasonic Lodge.


The Somalis were among them; and they paid for this privilege dearly. As far as the Somali political lyricism and allegory are concerned, they constitute a global exception that really endangers the inhuman Freemasonic paranoiac concept of dissociating politics from feelings and lyricism, and of turning politics to an immoral affair of interests that are shamelessly and criminally pursued.



As a Muslim nation with a glorious past and significant interaction with Muslim and non Muslim nations spanning from Eastern Mediterranean to the African inland, the Indian subcontinent and the Indonesian archipelago, the Somalis preserved a typical and traditional African Muslim society deprived of amalgamation with Western customs and habitudes, devoid of Anti-Christian practices of the Freemasonic elites of Western Europe and North America, and empty of any cosmopolitan vanity and aberration.


All over the world, there are basically two different types of society: societies with strong family traditions and strict rules, and societies versed into prostitution and incest, with very loose family rules and morals. It goes without saying that the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge that rules London, Paris and Washington, and through them manipulates vast part of the entire world, promoting the latter and attempting to destroy the former.


Ever since the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge emerged in Late Renaissance Europe, they made their ingenious best to institutionalize incest and ceremonial orgies, sodomy and ritualistic homicide. As far as their socio-political stance is concerned, they made a point of steadfastly supporting incestuous and adulterous societies. This is for instance the reason of the English support of the Amhara Habesha cannibals. 


It is not therefore surprising to note the extent of Freemasonic Western attacks against the Islamic practice of polygamy; these attacks are all partial, false and intentional. It is critical to bear in mind that polygamy existed in ancient civilizations, notably in Ancient Israel, Greece and Rome; it is not an Islamic invention. However, the misrepresentation of Ancient Israel, Greece and Rome constitutes only a small facet of the Freemasonic falsification of the History of the Mankind; they did their ingenious best to duly cover the historical existence of Hebrew, Greek, and Roman polygamy by a guilty silence.

. In Islam and other civilizations, polygamy has always been a marginal phenomenon; the same concerns Somalia. 


What is the hidden reason behind the Freemasonic hysteria against polygamy in the Islamic World, and more particularly Somalia? It is noteworthy that in the Middle Ages when Muslims and Christians repeatedly fought battles against one another, the Christian attacks against Islamic polygamy, although extant, were mostly of theoretical content.


There are some who explain the ferocity of the Freemasonic attacks by hinting at a side effect of the institution, namely the population increase. Certainly, polygamy contributes to a higher population growth rate, but this can only be a minor purpose.


If polygamy disturbs the villainous minds of the Freemasonic rulers of our world, this happens because polygamy eliminates prostitution and incest. And what the ruling Freemasonic gangsters practice most and stand for is incest. The criminally selected - by the Freemasonry-controlled UN Security Council and the colonially-controlled AU, Non-Muslim AMISOM soldiers have been deliberately sent to Somalia under various UN schemes over the past few years exclusively to indiscriminately kill, treacherously proselytize locals into heretic, Freemasonic forms of Christianity (Evangelicalism and the like), and utterly promote prostitution in Somalia. 



The average Somali devotion to cultural - social traditions and the tolerance the Somalis have for anything alien to their tradition and culture but not straightforwardly offensive of the Somali values are not considered as privileges and advantages by the Freemasonic and colonial schemers, be they academics, diplomats, statesmen or military. The reason is simple; narrow-minded populations with prejudicial opinions and egoistic attitudes can be manipulated with greater easiness by the Western Freemasonic academia, statesmen, military and diplomats. An intolerant person falls more easily into the trap because of his (pre-calculated by others) overreaction.



The extreme political aberration of the world's Freemasonic rulers is their inhuman willingness to control societies, nations, continents and ultimately the entire Mankind. This sick nature of the Freemasonic rulers directs them to sympathizing with (and fully utilizing) hierarchically structured societies whereby the real absence of moral values makes of the higher level of hierarchy a.... ''value''. Nothing can be more distant from, and more meaningless for, the Somali society than this; in fact, the Somali social life has always been highly decentralized, thus ensuring substantial freedom of action (not just rhetoric) to its constituent parts and units.


Throughout its 4 millennia long History, Somalia was fully unified for brief periods; this does not make the present Pledge for Unification less valid. A unified Somalia would be a decentralized country, as Punt – Azania / Other Berberia – Somalia has always been. At the same time, the Somalis have been historically known for their indifference for military conquests; the Somali conquest of Abyssinia seems to have rather been the proper response of the Civilized World to the expression of barbarism, represented by the small, uncultured, racist and evil Amhara state, and not a real plan of expansion.


The absence of Somali expansionism may need many dissertations to be properly analyzed, but it seems to be basically due to the highly diversified Somali landscapes that directed the local populations – parts of the Somali nation to different occupations, e.g. cattle-keeping, agriculture, fisheries, navigation and trade. As natural resources were greatly rich in almost every part of Somalia and the Somali territory is sizeable and oblong, it is not difficult to understand why Somalis living at a distance of 3500 km from the Red Sea straits of Bab al Mandeb did not feel the need to be part of the Adel Sultanate but formed their own sultanates, always recognizing the Caliph as their own supreme leader.


In fact, there could not be worse combination of socio-political traits according to the Freemasonic viewpoint. Useless to add, the colonial rulers identify in the expansionist feelings of various peoples an easily usable element that greatly helps their trickeries and manipulations; playing with these feelings, they managed to do wonders – at the detriment of dozens of nations.


Decentralized power means for the Freemasons difficulty to control; lack of expansionist feelings leaves few chances for Freemasonic colonial diplomats to carry out their typical machinations. All this, interlaced with the above points no 3, 5 and 6, suggests that the Somali society was almost impossible to penetrate – let alone control.



The decentralized Somali society has evidently given birth to diverse economic occupations and therefore allowed the emergence of several economic centres; wealth was almost divided proportionally, and this signalled the absence of an economic centre that would facilitate the Freemasonic colonial control of all the local resources.


Even worse, the Somali society was not material profit-driven but represented a well balanced entity whereby many people could cumulate activities of different nature. A local merchant could be at the same time a religious sheikh, a political administrator, and a distinct poet. There could not be worse an economic model for the evil Freemasonic Lodge, because the Freemasonic schemers deliberately promoted the formation of overspecialized social sectors of knowledge and activity in order to ensure that few people have the ability to form an across-the-board view of things and situations.


The above analysis may concern the past of Somalia but does indeed have great importance for today's Somali politics. Only by properly assessing their own identity and the damage that it causes to the evil Freemasonic New World Order will the Somalis manage to outmanoeuvre the Freemasonic plans against Somalia and to rehabilitate their illustrious, 40 centuries old country. 




Picture: In Somalia, nobody lives now better than in the times of President Abdirashid Ali Shermarke, and President Siad Barre. From:




Orientalist, Historian, Political Scientist, Dr. Megalommatis, 54, is the author of 12 books, dozens of scholarly articles, hundreds of encyclopedia entries, and thousands of articles. He speaks, reads and writes more than 15, modern and ancient, languages. He refuted Greek nationalism, supported Martin Bernal´s Black Athena, and rejected the Greco-Romano-centric version of History. He pleaded for the European History by J. B. Duroselle, and defended the rights of the Turkish, Pomak, Macedonian, Vlachian, Arvanitic, Latin Catholic, and Jewish minorities of Greece. Born Christian Orthodox, he adhered to Islam when 36, devoted to ideas of Muhyieldin Ibn al Arabi. Greek citizen of Turkish origin, Prof. Megalommatis studied and/or worked in Turkey, Greece, France, England, Belgium, Germany, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Egypt and Russia, and carried out research trips throughout the Middle East, Northeastern Africa and Central Asia. His career extended from Research & Education, Journalism, Publications, Photography, and Translation to Website Development, Human Rights Advocacy, Marketing, Sales & Brokerage. He traveled in more than 80 countries in 5 continents. He defends the Human and Civil Rights of Yazidis, Aramaeans, Turkmen, Oromos, Ogadenis, Sidamas, Berbers, Afars, Anuak, Furis (Darfur), Bejas, Balochs, Tibetans, and their Right to National Independence, demands international recognition for Kosovo, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and Transnistria, calls for National Unity in Somalia, and denounces Islamic Terrorism. Freedom and National Independence for Catalonia, Scotland, Corsica, Euskadi (Bask Land), and (illegally French) Polynesia! Break Down the Persian Tyranny of the Ayatullahs of Iran! Freedom for 25 million Azeris in Southern Azerbaijan!

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