Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Generate Electricity Off-Grid At Home With Renewable Energy System

Generate Electricity Off-Grid At Home With Renewable Energy System

What a dream - to with solar panels and windmills! It has whetted the imagination of a huge number of people for decades. It appeals to those with independent minds. It appeals to those too who hate waste.

With the current oil company problems in the Gulf, the prospect of being able to free ourselves from fossil fuel dependence is becoming more urgent. Windmills and solar are associated with virtually no environmental damage. In fact over time they will dramatically help it. There are no greenhouse gas emissions. There is no danger of a disaster that could wipe out an ecosystem or ruin the tourist and fishing industries in a wide area.

Maybe there will be some miracle fuel they can use, that has yet not been found. But currently, it looks like there is no viable safe alternative fuel for large scale centralised electricity generation. There's a limit in the number of clean hydro-electrics power stations that can be built.

Distributed generation is a viable answer. It's the answer, whether the small windmills and solar installation are connected with the national grid or not. For this to work on a large scale, costs have to fall.

But they are falling almost monthly. The writing is on the wall for the old "dirty" technologies. That may be why visionary people and companies are putting extra energy into finding alternative as fast as possible.

Even over the past year there have been major leaps forward in solar panel technology - meaning more electricity produced at less cost. It's the same with the technological advances of windmill generators. Between the two, people all over the country, relatively soon, should be able to generate electricity off-grid at home with solar panels and windmills. It won't be a day too soon. I have personally managed to build my own by following an online system which you can find out more about at my website link below.

Want to learn more about Off-Grid Electricity Generation at Home? Do not do it because the author has found many useless guides online. Download the Best Step-By-Step Home Energy Guides at http://www.renewableenergysystemreview.com/download.htm!

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